X-Sign Manager


Scheduling content is a great advantage in X-Sign Manager. We can easily schedule any content on X-Sign Manager at any time. If you want to play seasonal promotion in a short period, you can just schedule a new promotion slide in a specific time period without disrupting your original slide schedule. Seasonal promotion slide will simply overwrite your existing slide. After seasonal promotion, your device will be back to original content.

Device Setting:

        Setting device is easy in X-Sign Manager. You just simply click on “Add Device” under “By Device” button, and enter your device ID, license code pairing, device name, and device location. You can look for your device ID in X-Sign Player. What is more, you can organize your device with hierarchical structures under “By Device” button.

Pairing devices:

        Controlling multiple devices with the internet is easy in X-Sign Manager. You just need to open X-Sign Player on your device and switch mode to “Manger”. On that page, you can see your device ID. You can just enter your ID to X-Sign Manager. That’s everything you need to do for pairing devices.
