Let customers obsessed with an interactive restaurant environment with your iPads and X-Sign

    Have you ever thought that your iPads could help you get closer to your customers and understand them more? X-Sign can turn your iPads into a customer engagement tool. Downloading X-Sign Player to your iPads to brighten your restaurant! Place your iPads throughout your restaurant, and here are some ideas for you. Implement iPads around your counters to let customers look up restaurant information by themselves while the staff deals with other things, or you can place iPads on tables to display your promotion. Now, let’s see how X-Sign can drive you to success! 

    Prior to digging in more on designing content for your new customer engagement tool, you would like to know how your iPads benefit you. First, your iPads can embellish your restaurant interior design to provide a brand new feeling for customers. Secondly, display your content on iPads to attract more people to look at it so that you can increase exposure to your promotion. Your content can certainly drive people’s attention. Moreover, understanding your customers' preferences is just essential as you set your promotion goal. Let’s generate enthusiastic content to impress your customers.

Designing your content is easier than what you think 

When people design their content, they are wondering where they should begin normally. Whether you want to create the content for recommended dishes or the latest promotion, X-Sign can be a great assistant. X-Sign Designer’s intuitive interface which can make this design process smoothly. It is suitable for everyone to use, even if you are a beginner. Various widgets can also enrich your content. Our multiple widgets from X-Sign Designer will definitely satisfy your content, such as generating the QR Code with your online menu for customers to scan it and have a look before ordering, or maybe you can ask them to order through their smartphone during the peak hours. In addition, if you are almost running out of time, try Designer Express from X-Sign Manager to create your quick and concise content. As you create from Designer Express, you can directly upload to X-Sign Manager to deliver your content. 

Interactive content with touch usage reports can provide more ideas 

Sometimes a silent introduction will be appreciated by your customer since there’s always someone who doesn't want any people to interrupt while they’re making a decision. So, here’s a suggestion for you. Interactive content not only can convey the message but also shorten the distance between you and your customers. While during peak hours and the restaurant is so crowded, you don’t get much opportunity to talk to your customers. To solve losing a chance to know what your customers’ favorite and concern, you would like to consider creating interactive content. Interactive content is a proper way to allow customers to learn more about your restaurant; you can put your restaurant specials or any interesting story about your restaurant. After displaying your content to customers, you are able to take a look at their interaction with the content. Touch usage reports of interactive content can bring you more details of your customer preferences. The reports keep track of how many people react to your content anonymously and by specific periods and categories. 

Your content just delivers at the right time and the right place

As you complete your content, you would like to deliver it to every device in your restaurant. However, it will be too much work to schedule everything manually one-by-one. X-Sign Manager is a solution for you. X-Sign Manager schedules everything thoroughly and controls every device on just one screen. Your content will play without any interruption unless you would like to replace the new one with your original one. That’s everything you need to do, choosing any content with your desired time period to display.
